My name is Kaelyn Hebert Turner. I’m writing this after getting married 17 days ago, and turning 33 only 6 days ago!
I am from Duson, Louisiana, and currently reside in Lafayette.
I have 2 dogs, Cici and Pepper, both Havanese, and both are one-of-a-kind. Holly is our other angel dog, and she currently resides in Heaven. I love fitness and wine, equally, and I try to show them both that I love them every day.
In the past I have obtained a Level 1 CrossFit trainer certification and a USA Weightlifting coaching certification, and ultimately never got to use either of them, but would happily do so in the future.
I have a vegetable garden, that I am obsessed with, and I love to be outside. I could never live anywhere with real winters.
I have a Master’s Degree in Nursing, and am licensed as a Family Nurse Practitioner. My nursing background is in Medical-Surgical, Pain Management, Emergency/Trauma (#favorite), and Pediatric Primary Care. Also at the time I write this, it is August of 2020, right in the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic, and I am unemployed.
And... With the exception of 7 days,, I’ve been unemployed since May 1 , 2020, and it's not for lack of trying.
My favorite kind of people are resilient people.
And just like many of you - I have had to be "resilient people" more times in my 33 years than I have fingers and toes (and I have all 20). I wrote a post for Facebook earlier this summer about COVID, and it went mildly "viral." I couldn't believe it, my original post shared almost 500 times - people found value in my words?
So, this website is my way of reinventing myself at a time when I feel overwhelmingly useless, and at times, hopeless.
I may not have a paying job for the foreseeable future, but I have way too much free time, the internet, and an underutilized ability to explain things really well. What I've not mastered at all so far, is the ability to not care what people think - so, this is me practicing being brave, and vulnerable.
Let’s see where this goes!
Septemer 2022
Life update! I've been employed since September of 2020! I mean what an overachiever. Keeping a job for 2 years, killin it. This blog still brings me so much joy.
I have a 9.5 month old perfectly cooked potato baby (she's a human) and life is GOOD!
I recently became a Level 1 Precision Nutrition Lifestyle coach, and while I am not yet taking clients... I will be very soon!